Daily Quiz | On Post-Franco Spain

Daily Quiz | On Post-Franco Spain

Daily Quiz | On Post-Franco Spain

The Catalonia Early Birds flag, an autonomous neighborhood.


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A post-fascist nation since December 1978, Spain is formally a regionalised unitary state with restricted autonomy for nationalities. Which area’s head of presidency is known as the Lehendakari in its native language? And what’s the native language?

Answer : Basque area. Euskara languageDID YOU KNOW THE ANSWER?


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Cuban revolutionary Fidel Castro originated from this autonomous area of Spain and got here to Cuba first as a conscript of the Spanish army. The former Uruguayan president Tabare Vasquez has ancestors from this area. The area additionally has a particular language that’s near Portuguese. Name the area.

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The identify of this province originates from an Arabic phrase that’s derived from the identify of the Vandals, a Germanic individuals who first inhabited what’s now the southern a part of Poland in second century BC and later migrated into North Africa by round early a part of the fifth century AD. Name the province

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In 2021, Nobel laureate Amartya Sen received this award (for social science) that’s named after the inheritor obvious to the throne of Spain and incorporates the identify of a province in it. Name the award and the province. (Others who received the identical award embrace David Attenborough in 2009 and Nobel Laureate Esther Duflo in 2015)

Answer : Princess of Asturias award, AsturiasDID YOU KNOW THE ANSWER?


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Tennis participant Rafael Nadal is from this province and autonomous neighborhood of Spain. Name it.

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