Daily Quiz | On Nelson Mandela

Daily Quiz | On Nelson Mandela

Daily Quiz | On Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela addresses crowds gathered for the second “46664” live performance close to the small Southern Cape province city of George, on March 19, 2005.


1 / 5 |
What was the system of institutionalised racial segregation that existed in South Africa from 1948 to the early Nineteen Nineties that Mandela fought towards known as? 

2 / 5 |
In 1956, there was a trial in Johannesburg through which 156 individuals, together with Mandela, had been arrested in a raid. The foremost trial lasted till 1961 when the entire defendants had been discovered not responsible. During the trials, this man left the nation and was exiled. What had been they accused of? Identify the South African anti-apartheid activist who was exiled.

3 / 5 |
Which trial in South Africa between 1963 and 1964 led to the imprisonment of Mandela, which had him in jail for 27 years?

4 / 5 |
What is the identify of the three-hour speech given by Mandela on the trial that sentenced him to jail? 

5 / 5 |
46664 was a collection of AIDS profit concert events performed in honour of Mandela by musicians between 2003 and 2008. What is the importance of 46664?

Answer : The second time that Mandela was in 1964, and he was the 466th prisoner that 12 months. His jail quantity remained 466/64 till 1982.DID YOU KNOW THE ANSWER?


Source: www.thehindu.com

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